Saturday, 8 February 2014

Second annual music day 29th June 2014

After the resounding success of the 2013 music workshop for playing for dance we are now getting to grips with organising the next.  Whilst out walking we bumped into Brian Stone who is a well known fiddler playing and leading groups such as Hoe Down, Junction 24, and Fiddlegang.  He previously lived in the south-east but is now based in Church Stretton.  Whilst mostly playing fiddle, Brian is also adept with guitar and double bass.

The focus of the day will be on playing an instrument within a folk dance band - getting started, finishing together, keeping a rhythym etc as well as enjoying a variety of different key signatures, tempos and repeat structures.

Brian will take you through playing for dancing as a group - with emphasis on Folk Dancing - culminating in you playing for a late afternoon tea dance. The whole day is from 10am to 7pm and to make it easier for people a baked potato with filling lunch, together with sandwich & cake tea as well as frequent drinks are all included in the price of £25.

Sheet music will be provided in advance, so please book by 13 June by sending your name, address, email and instrument details, together with a cheque for £25 made payable to P Davis to Music Day, Lower Farm, Shelve, SY5 0JF, Minsterley, Shropshire.  We will be sending music out in advance via an email attachment in pdf format - if that will cause a problem let us know.

As part of the musician's day we have Joe Hodgson from Bromyard calling for the dance which will run from 4:30 to 7pm. Cost for dancers or listeners is £5 and includes refreshments. Joe has been calling for 45 years with a great wealth of experience from Barn Dancing, English Country Dance Manuals, American style and Playford English.

This promises to be a great day and places will be limited, so do book early - cut-off is 13 June for musicians so we can organise sufficient food :-)

Venue for the workshop is Lydham Village Hall. The postcode for Lydham VH is SY9 5HB, but it is really easy to find as it is literally on the junction of A488/A489 just north of Bishops Castle, and about 100 yards south of Harvest Wholefoods.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Music workshop 2014

Our second annual musicians workshop will be held at Lydham Village Hall on Sunday 29th June with leader Brian Stone and caller for the dance of Joe Hodgson - all Shropshire residents :-)