Friday, 23 January 2015

Dancing on 23 January

We will be at Lydham Village Hall as normal tonight for anyone who is brave enough to face the weather - it actually looks better than recently so hopefully it will be a good ourney for all.

The last time we danced :
Emma's Waltz
Gued Man of Ballangigh
Turn of the tide
Brief Encounter (with a few variations!)

Friday, 9 January 2015

2015 exciting dates!

We have our normal meetings on the second and fourth Fridays - Jan 9 &23, Feb 13 & 27 and March 13&27.  Our lovely band will play the first session each month. In addition there is a special event for the Bishops Castle Arts Festival on Sat 21 Feb in the 3 Tuns upstairs room starting at 3:30pm with Alphabet Band playing.

In addition I have recently been contacted about running a 1765 Ball - this is the first year that the Town Hall in Bishops Castle can be dated back to so it is the 250th anniversary.  The Town Hall team are building a series of activities around 1765 including making clothes of the period, so look out for further details later in the year!

The dances performed at the Christmas Party were:
Anniversary Reel to a medley of seasonal songs
Duke of Kent's waltz
Sun Assembly
Millenium Dame
Half Hanikin
Dr Vincent's Delight
Gued man of Ballangigh

Happy dancing in 2015