Sunday, 7 June 2015

Great success

Well done Ted, another great music day and you really worked them hard.  The result of the raffle was that £150 was sent to the Nepal appeal.
See you all in September - second Friday is 11th:-)

Friday, 5 June 2015

Music Day dance 7 June

Come and dance to a folk band with 20 members.  During the day they will be practicing under the direction of Ted Morse, who will then lead them and call the dances.
Doors open at Lydham Village Hall at 16:15 on Sunday 7 June with dancing from 16:30-19:00. The dances will be simple English Country dances so the band play lots and little instruction is involved. There will be an interval when tea, sandwiches and cake will be served. Cost £5
For further details call Paul or Jean on 01743 891117