Thursday, 18 May 2017

It's summer!

Our regular Fridays have now stopped for the summer, but we haven't completely stopped yet!
On May 31st we're the guest band & caller at Chetton Folk Dance Club near Bridgnorth.  Talk amongst your friends to share lifts, or give Jan & Paul a call

On 11 June there is an afternoon dance for the Music Day.  Timing is 4:30-7pm and cost is £5 to include refreshments of sandwiches and cake in the break.  Our Caller Maggie Hosking leads us as dancers, with Paul Hutchinson leading the band.  The melody lines for the music have now been emailed out, so if you'd like to come along  and play please book soon to ensure your place.  Form can be found

W miss the second Friday in September and would direct dancers to Bromyard Folk Festival who have a dance in the Falcon Inn on Friday 8th September (and more dancing during the day on 9th September) We are back for the 4th Friday in September (22nd) at Lydham VH and the following Friday (29th September) there is a social dance we are running at Norbury VH, more details later, but open to the public with a small charge to cover costs.

As they say on the TV, Keep Dancing

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Springtime dancing

We met on Friday 28th April and had a great turnout, with a number of trickier dances enjoyed .

We next meet at  Lydham VH from 8pm for our final "normal " Friday on 12th May with the band and cake as the last normal meeting, but don't get withdrawal symptoms just yet.  We will focus on easier dances to keep a party atmosphere.

On Saturday 13th May there is a Barn Dance with supper included run by the Walking Festival in the 3 Tuns in Bishops Castle, booking essential.  Paul will call and the band are playing.  When I last heard there were 2 places left

And on May 31st we're the guest band & caller at Chetton near Bridgnorth.  I'm sure lift shares can be arranged on 12th if people are interested

On 11 June there is an afternoon dance for the Music Day.  Timing is 4:30-7pm and cost is £5 to include refreshments of sandwiches and cake in the break.  Our Caller Maggie Hosking leads us as dancers, with Paul Hutchinson leading the band.  The melody lines for the music are now being emailed out, so if you'd like to come along  and play please book soon to ensure your place.  Form can be found

Happy dancing

We are back for the 4th Friday in September (22nd) at Lydham VH and the following Friday (29th September) there is a social dance we are running at Norbury VH, more details later, but open to the public with a small charge to cover costs.