Sunday, 1 November 2015


Some photos from the Ball can be seen at
We all had a lovely time  and the music was fantastic for dancing. Due to enjoying ourselves so much we did leave out a couple of dances, but we'll be going through them on 13th November when the band will agian be playing for us at Lydham VH, 8pm start dancing :-)
Here's just a ;little clip from the playout

Monday, 19 October 2015

Latest dances for the BAll

We still have a few tickets for the 250th Anniversary Ball for Bishops Castle Town Hall - and we have one more session where we will be running through dances on 23 October.  And there will be cake in the interval.

Last time we ran through:
Merry Salopians (or The Old Mill)
Shrewsbury Lasses
Shropshire Lass
The Physical Snob
Turning by Threes
Wakefield Hunt

All were successfull, though Merry Salopians was thought to perhaps require a bit more work!

Saturday, 26 September 2015

More dances successfully trialled

At the club on 25th September we successfully worked our way through:
Bar a Bar
Hunsdon House
Indian Queen
Lovely Nancy Johnson
Wakefield Hunt

A lovely evening. Someone commented "Could we all move at the same time" which means the idea of dancing together and to the music has been taken onboard.  And it looked magnificent when it did all click:-)

A donation of £15 was made to Macmillan following the cutting of the teapot cake and sale of some apples.  Well done all

Monday, 21 September 2015

Ball dances progress

Our Ball on 31 October for the 250th Anniversary of the Town Hall in Bishops Castle is progressing.  Last time we danced:

Barbarini's Tambourine
Indian Queen
Shrewsbury Lasses
Turning by threes
Wakefield Hunt

plus gathering Peascods as a starter

More fun and games on Friday 25th where we'll try to get through another half dozen of the Ball dances.
If you want tickets for the Ball, email - they are starting to sell well so don't leave it too long as numbers are limited

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Dancing restarts 13 September at 8pm

Welcome back to the autumn programme of dancing at Lydham.  We will be having our first session with the band on Friday 11th September with an 8pm prompt start. We will be looking at the dances for the 250 Anniversary Ball which is on 31 October in the evening, and for which the dances will be drawn from the list below.

For those of you wondering what a "Ball" is, it's a posh fancy dress dance. You can come dressed from the 18th century, or from 21st Century. For men Black tie is modern, or period costume; for ladies Ballgowns or long type dresses.  But don't worry too much, just make an effort. Kilts are allowed if you have one!

We have 4 weeks to go through the dances, decide which ones might cause problems and leave them off the schedule;-) All dances will be walked through on the night, and once you buy your ticket you will get a copy of all the dance notations (if that means anything to you!).

There is limited space in the Town Hall so do let me know as soon as possible if you want to come. It should be a fascinating evening as the venue is laying on some 18th century nibbles. Tickets are £10 , doors open 7pm, dancing starts 7:15 and carriages at 10pm.
Arcadian Nuptials Thompson 1765
Bar A Bar duple proper longways 1718 **
Barbarini’s Tambourine  Longways duple minor Walsh, 1745
Childgrove DM1: 1701-1728 *
Christina by Naomi Alexander duple improper longways **
Fandango  3 couple longways set Thompson, 1774
Hunsdon House 1665 Square *
Indian Queen duple proper longways 1701 *
Lovely Nancy Johnson 1744 Longways, Duple Minor ¾ *
Merry Salopians; or Women and Wine (aka The Old Mill)—3-cu. set (3/2) (G) Walsh, 1718 **
Mutual Love (Thompson, 1777)**
Portsmouth 1701 *
Red and All Red Thompson, 1757
Shrewsbury Lasses  3 couple longways set set Thompson, 1765
Shropshire Lass 1710 3 Cple set *
Take a Dance
The Comical Fellow 1776, 40 Bars
The Physical Snob  3 couple longways set set Unidentified collection, c. 1790
Turning By Threes by Gary Roodman circle for 3 couples
Wakefield Hunt  Longways triple minor (triple progression) Thompson, 1779

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Great success

Well done Ted, another great music day and you really worked them hard.  The result of the raffle was that £150 was sent to the Nepal appeal.
See you all in September - second Friday is 11th:-)

Friday, 5 June 2015

Music Day dance 7 June

Come and dance to a folk band with 20 members.  During the day they will be practicing under the direction of Ted Morse, who will then lead them and call the dances.
Doors open at Lydham Village Hall at 16:15 on Sunday 7 June with dancing from 16:30-19:00. The dances will be simple English Country dances so the band play lots and little instruction is involved. There will be an interval when tea, sandwiches and cake will be served. Cost £5
For further details call Paul or Jean on 01743 891117

Sunday, 31 May 2015

Dance 7 June

Our annual musician's day workshop on 7th June will feature a public dance. Doors open 4:15 for 4:30 start dancing. Beforehand the band will be practicing hence 4:15 doors open. Dance to 7pm with teatime interval in the middle of tea and cakes. Price £5

Reserve 31 October for the Costumed Ball at Bishops Castle Town Hall . More details to follow

Monday, 9 February 2015

Live music consecutive weeks

Our normal Alphabet meeting will be on 13 February at Lydham with the Alphabet Band playing - we have added an extra 6 tunes to the repertoire and I think you will like the dances that go with them!
The following SATURDAY 21 February we are in the top room at the 3 Tuns Inn where we will be hosting an open session for anyone who wants to come along. Please do support us in this as then we can help newcomers more easily.

Our next two meetings on 27 February and 13 March will feature guest callers. Please do support them as I know they have  spent time getting nice programmes together

The dance list from the end of January included
Duke of Kent's waltz
Sally in our Alley
Shrewsbury Lasses
Wakefield Hunt
and the very seasonal Winter Dreams

Friday, 23 January 2015

Dancing on 23 January

We will be at Lydham Village Hall as normal tonight for anyone who is brave enough to face the weather - it actually looks better than recently so hopefully it will be a good ourney for all.

The last time we danced :
Emma's Waltz
Gued Man of Ballangigh
Turn of the tide
Brief Encounter (with a few variations!)

Friday, 9 January 2015

2015 exciting dates!

We have our normal meetings on the second and fourth Fridays - Jan 9 &23, Feb 13 & 27 and March 13&27.  Our lovely band will play the first session each month. In addition there is a special event for the Bishops Castle Arts Festival on Sat 21 Feb in the 3 Tuns upstairs room starting at 3:30pm with Alphabet Band playing.

In addition I have recently been contacted about running a 1765 Ball - this is the first year that the Town Hall in Bishops Castle can be dated back to so it is the 250th anniversary.  The Town Hall team are building a series of activities around 1765 including making clothes of the period, so look out for further details later in the year!

The dances performed at the Christmas Party were:
Anniversary Reel to a medley of seasonal songs
Duke of Kent's waltz
Sun Assembly
Millenium Dame
Half Hanikin
Dr Vincent's Delight
Gued man of Ballangigh

Happy dancing in 2015